I used a more-or-less standard Red Hat 5.1 installation. These are the steps I had to go through: 0. After installing Red Hat 5.1, I upgraded the various glint* packages (Errata) from Red Hat's site. 1. I got the ctlib-linux-elf-dynamic package as my "base." I had to get the libblk.a from the ctlib-linux-elf package. 2. I compiled/installed DBI 0.93. No problems here. 3. I then compiled/installed the Sybase DBD 0.08. In the CONFIG, I had to set the LINKTYPE=static (uncomment the line). To finish the `make test', I had to remove all -ltcl references from the ./blib/arch/auto/DBD/Sybase/extralibs.all file (as mentiond on your web page.) However, my extralibs.all file had two differing lines, so I also added -lsybtcl to make both lines the same. After the `make test' was successful, I copied the new, static perl executable over; then did the `make install' for the DBD driver. However, I've tried this same technique on another Red Hat 5.1 machine, but haven't had any luck. (The hardware for the two machines are completely different though, if that would cause any problems.) So, I've gotten the DBD working under Red Hat 5.1, but I haven't been able to reproduce it on other RH5.1 installations other than my workstation. I don't mind if you want to put my name on your web page, but I don't know how much help I'll be for other people having similar problems. =) Jonathan Fine jfine@borders.com